
A Google’s eye view of your entire category set, every morning
Our bespoke scraping technology gathers data on your whole category set before 9am every morning to give you a comprehensive set of recommendations of how to improve the organic performance of your category pages.

[seo] (insights) <full potential>.

Harnessing the power of our bespoke scraping technology, we delve into the intricate details of your entire category set before the clock strikes 9am. Our platform not only offers optimisation recommendations at scale, but also excels in automated troubleshooting, ensuring that any hiccups in your digital landscape are swiftly addressed. The ultimate goal? To maximise the SERP visibility of your category pages, transforming your online presence into a powerhouse of organic growth. With data-driven insights and actionable recommendations delivered to your inbox every morning, we empower you to make informed decisions that drive transformative results.
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    [category health] (optimisation) <efficiency>.

    Navigating the labyrinthine landscape of your category sets can often feel like a Sisyphean task.

    With the clock ticking away, you find yourself mired in endless audits, sifting through data that’s as complex as it is voluminous. The result? A hazy, often inaccurate, view of your category health that leaves you questioning where to even begin. Enter our bespoke scraping technology. Deployed every morning before 9am, it offers a Google’s eye view of your entire category set, transforming that haze into a crystal-clear roadmap.

    No more time lost in audits that lead nowhere; instead, you gain actionable insights that allow you to focus on what truly matters—optimising your categories for peak performance. And when it comes to those sprawling, unmanageable category sets that have long been your Achilles’ heel? Consider them tamed. Our technology not only identifies but prioritises your problem areas, turning what was once an overwhelming challenge into a streamlined process for continual growth.

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    Clear summaries of key problem areas
    We distill cumbersome data sets into manageable recommendations you can action immediately.
    Integrate demand into your health checks
    You can’t solve every problem at once. So we’ve integrated search demand data into our recommendations so you can target solutions that move the dial.
    Fresh data every day
    The Category Monitoring tool scrapes your category set every morning before 9am, so you have fresh insights to act on every day.


    We’re (different).
    We have <Metis>.

    To see the Category Monitoring tool in action, book a demo with one of our experts.

    (Excellence) deserves reward

    We think our work is outstanding. The industry award judges think so too.

      (Unlock) the
      <potential> of data

      Contact us today to see how we can make a difference for you.