Product Maestro

Turn product images into SEO optimised product copy, titles, and alt tags at the click of a button

Stay informed

Get a daily view of product copy quality across all live products and unlock a world of endless opportunity. Find the green shoots of opportunity everywhere.

Optimise your copy

Maestro identifies the products on your site that don’t have product copy, titles, and alt tags, then uses AI to craft SEO-focused copy to fill the gaps.

Be fast, be first

Maestro is fast. It uses AI to create beautifully polished copy for hundreds of products at the click of a button.

Metis is now embedded into all areas of our business and is the central platform that allows us to make decisions faster than our competition.

– New Look

Improving the Quality & Speed of Onboarding Product

Maestro integrates seamlessly into the Product Information System (PIM) and imports all products that currently do not have product copy associated. These are then loaded into Maestro for your team to work on in one simple, intuitive platform.

Your new (central source) of <insight>

We use pioneering technology to (connect complex insights) and <deliver transformative growth>.

Just the beginning

(Unlocking) a world of endless <possibility>