18th August 2023

Content Marketing the lowdown

Here at MediaVision we have a thriving content team, but what do they do?

Firstly, let’s go back to basics.  What is content marketing?

Simply put, it is online content designed to create brand awareness and brand affinity, without being overtly salesy.  It’s thereto improve rankings and drive traffic to your website, so it’s an essential part of your overall SEO strategy.

Think blog articles, videos, landing pages, web content and podcasts all designed to engage with your target audience and ensure your brand is top of mind when a consumer is ready to make that all important purchase.

Content marketing – it’s all about the data

Writing a blog article or creating a video is often the easy part.  The success, or otherwise, of content marketing is reliant on it being recognised by Google (other search engines are available!) as being the most relevant to a user’s search terms.

This is where the data comes in.

Content creation should always be informed by science, data science that is. Using whatever technology is available you should be discovering what search terms your audience are using to either research or make purchases. The MediaVision content team are fortunate enough to have 24/7 access to The MediaVision Predict Platform and a crack team of SEO and data analysts to run the facts and figures past.

Once you know the keywords or phrases you are keen to target you can start to consider topics to tackle, how often to post and what format is most appropriate.

Five key things to remember when crafting online content:

1.      Make it targeted – by ensuring you have the right target audience and know what they are searching for there is more chance of Google picking it up and it being visible on the early Google search results pages.

2.      Make it relevant – Google is so clever that whilst it picks up on key words, it also manages, in it in a bot-like way, to recognise the relevance/intent for a reader or in the case of video, viewer.  You also want to make sure the audience feels the content delivers the information they are looking for.

3.      Get structured – length of written content, along with how you lay it out is essential.  Ensuring you have your headings numbered correctly and the more complex the better, so using H1, H2,H3 and H4.

4.      Lists, lists, lists – like us, Google loves a list.  It breaks up content, and our brains love a list as well.  It keeps the information succinct, easy to read and quickly digestible.

5.      Imagery – as humans we prefer to read content which looks attractive, and images do a lot to break up a page, help create tone, illustrate points and highlight relevance, the more the better apparently.  Google also loves an image, it also likes to see video content.  According to SEMrush, posts without video get 92% less traffic and 24% less shares than posts with at least one video.

The MediaVision content team – their work

Now we know what the team are working on, are they any good?

Of course they are!

One of our clients, Addison Lee came to MediaVision with a driver recruitment challenge.  They were losing revenue because of a shortage of drivers.  Our content team got their heads together with our SEO and paid media teams and they:

·       Revamped the out-of-date landing page

·       Created new landing pages

·       Bulk created evergreen content, answering most asked questions

Content marketing for Addison Lee – the results

In one week our team achieved:

·       rankings improve for 36 keywords  ​

·       22 keywords appear on page one of Google​

·       Average ranking position for driver recruitment keywords increase by 11 places, from 59to 48

A very happy client indeed!

Our content team work hand in hand with our digital PR tream, who are proactively using data to create news stories, create links and mentions on and offline.   You can find out more in article about Digital PR.

Find out how our content team are helping to redefine SEO by getting in touch.

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