
Harmonise paid and organic strategy and cut ineffective cost
Paid and organic campaigns are always stepping on each others’ toes. With daily recommendations across all paid campaigns, the Total Search tool shows you where paid spend is cannibalising organic performance, and guides you to higher ROI spend to target high-value keywords.

[save] (maximise) <diversify>.

In today’s digital landscape, paid and organic campaigns often find themselves in a tussle for the same digital real estate. The Total Search tool serves as your strategic compass, offering daily insights to ensure you’re not just throwing money at PPC without reaping the benefits. By pinpointing areas where your paid efforts are overshadowing your organic reach, this tool helps you recalibrate your spending for a more balanced and efficient cross-channel strategy.

But it doesn’t stop there. The Total Search tool also guides you in diversifying your keyword targeting approach, enabling you to cast a wider yet more precise net in the search landscape. In essence, it’s not just about cutting costs; it’s about making every pound work smarter, not harder, to achieve a higher ROI.

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    [budget] (alignment) <refine>.

    Sky-high paid spend with minimal ROI can often feel like you’re pouring money into a bottomless pit, leaving you questioning the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts.
    The disconnect between your organic and paid campaigns only exacerbates the issue, creating a fragmented strategy that fails to capitalise on synergies. But imagine a world where your paid and organic strategies are not just coexisting but are strategically aligned to complement each other. With our Total Search tool, we offer daily recommendations that illuminate where your paid spend is overshadowing your organic performance. By identifying these intersections, we guide you towards reallocating your budget to target high-ROI keywords, thereby transforming your digital marketing spend into a well-oiled machine that maximises returns.

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    Daily recommendations for reducing cannibalised spend
    We ingest your PPC and organic data every day to deliver fresh recommendations for eliminating paid spend that isn’t generating revenue.
    Find the keywords you should be spending on
    Total Search also gives daily recommendations for high-ROI keywords you could be prioritising your spend towards where organic performance is weak.


    We’re (different).
    We have <Metis>.

    To speak to our experts about how Total Search can help you save and boost performance, book a demo to see the tool in action.

    (Excellence) deserves reward

    We think our work is outstanding. The industry award judges think so too.

      (Unlock) the
      <potential> of data

      Contact us today to see how we can make a difference for you.